There is probably no other way of designing gardens, that has such a big variety and expression
than the art of japanese gardening. It is a mixture of a gardening culture of very old history
combined with enormous creativity in design despite of fixed style elements.
The creation of a japanese garden is always
"from heart" - "kokoro kara" - 心から
Maximilian Ruth has learned at Garden-Master Tadahiro Kosugi's place (忠弘小杉) in Hamamatsu. Intense studies there helped him to get a deep and fundamental insight into this very outstanding art of gardening.
Private- and templegardens of all styles were newly designed, redesigned and cared for in
Hamamatsu, Kyoto, Tokyo, Nara and Osaka.
Numerous stays in Japan in the last 10 years helpe us to use our fundamental and special knowledge to plan, design and care for japanese gardens with creativity and from heart.
In the following we introduce you to some of the special characteristics of japanese gardens.
The courtyard garden called "tsuboniwa" (坪庭) is the major art of japanese gardening. It developed because Japan has a lack of space for housing. Houses often don't have space for a garden around them, therefore an art developed creating a green oasis of relaxation and beauty in the inner courtyards of an house. The tsuboniwa creates cooling and soothness on hot summerdays.